Share on Mastodon using Tootpick


Ralf Stubner


February 10, 2023

In addition to other social media sites I wanted to enable sharing on Mastodon as well. The main difficulty is that as part of the Fediverse there is no central server that users need to access. Instead people need to sent to their instance. There are multiple solutions for that problem, but in the ned I settled on Tootpick. I like the privacy design and the ease with which this can be self hosted. The latter should allow me to integrate it better into this sites design.

This site uses blogdown with the Hugo Academic theme. I took the following steps to enable share on Mastodon:

  1. Download and save it as static/tootpick.html.

  2. Copy themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/share.html to layouts/partials/share.html and add:

      <a class="mastodon"
         href="/tootpick.html#text={{ .Title | html }}%0A{{ .Permalink | html }}"
         target="_blank" rel="noopener">
        <i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>